Saturday, November 21, 2020

19 Nov 20 language of women

पुष्पाणां भाषां
ये न जानन्ति ,ते किं
जो पुष्पों की भाषा
नही जानते
वे स्त्रियों से क्या बात करेंगे?
What will they talk
With women
Who don't know 
The language of flowers?
For Taresh Kumar Sharma and डॉ. राजेश कुमार मिश्र

Monday, November 9, 2020

10 th Nov 20 ugliness and beauty

I am a fan of not only Kalidasa ,orBhavbhooti ,but also a fan of world poets. Charles Baudelaire is one of them. He taught me to see ugly things,evils of the world. So my poetry world is very different from others. I see all ugliness as I see beauty.perhaps at the age of 28 ,I read his collection 'The flowers of Evil'
अलसाः क्षणाः।
भ्रमन्ति तैलचौरा
आविले चित्ते।
आलस के क्षण
घूमते है तिलचट्टे
मैले मन में ।
यह हाइकु संस्कृत में मेरी लेखिनी से हि जन्म ले सकता है।

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

4 Nov 20 Beauty and images

I am known for my imagist poem.japan is a country of beauty.The beauty wears hundreds of colours in Tanaka and Haiku with shortness
भाति सुन्दरम्।
हरिद्रासिक्तं गात्रम् ।।
सरसों का खेत
पीले फूलों से सुशोभित
विवाह के लिए उत्सुक
हलदी के उबटन से सजी
 हो कंचनकाया।
The  mustard field 
decorated with yellow flowers
Catching eyes.
The beauty of young girl
Coated with turmeric paste!
Dedicated to Sarita Sharma and Surya Mohapatra