I am a fan of not only Kalidasa ,orBhavbhooti ,but also a fan of world poets. Charles Baudelaire is one of them. He taught me to see ugly things,evils of the world. So my poetry world is very different from others. I see all ugliness as I see beauty.perhaps at the age of 28 ,I read his collection 'The flowers of Evil'
अलसाः क्षणाः।
भ्रमन्ति तैलचौरा
आविले चित्ते।
आलस के क्षण
घूमते है तिलचट्टे
मैले मन में ।
यह हाइकु संस्कृत में मेरी लेखिनी से हि जन्म ले सकता है।